As a part of our partnership with ySafe, we have received our very own Parent Cyber Safety Hub. This Hub is a rich source of live information directly from ySafe’s multidisciplinary team of cyber safety experts. You can access our Cyber Safety Hub using the link below: 

About the Parent Cyber Safety Hub

The Hub includes expert advice on the most pertinent cyber safety issues and frequently asked questions around platforms like TikTok, Fortnite, Instagram, and more. There are app reviews with age and safety recommendations, along with a range of guides and resources to help ensure healthy boundaries around screen-time & gaming, and step-by-step instructions for using parental controls and filtering out inappropriate content.

FREE Device Monitoring Tool for Parents 

ySafe has partnered with the parental control experts, Family Zone, to provide our parents with added cyber safety support in the form of Family Zone Insights. Family Zone Insights is a monitoring app that sends parents an alert if their child accesses risky or inappropriate content online. For more information about Family Zone Insights, and for instructions on how you can set up an Insights account, visit the Family Zone Insights page of our Cyber Safety Hub (under Cyber Safety Tech)