The role of the School Advisory Council is to help the school fulfil its educational responsibilities in accordance with the guidelines and polices set out by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia.
School Advisory Council 2024
Chair - Susan Swift
Secretary – Paul Whitehouse
Finance Committee - Daniel Della Vedova (Treasurer) & Rebecca Faugno
Grounds and Maintenance Committee - Trish Coniglio & Frank Di Latte
P & F Representative - Malini Da Silva
At the Annual General Meeting all parents, except those employed by the school, are eligible for election. The Chairperson’s and Treasurer’s reports are also tabled at this meeting.
The work of the Advisory Council takes place within the context of the work of the Catholic Church educating its young people in the Catholic faith and for full participation in society. The Advisory Council enables a spirit of partnership to be developed within the school community and is constituted in a way that allows the various bodies within the school to be represented and to participate in the development of the school and its management. The Advisory Council is responsible to the Conference of Bishops through CECWA.
- To oversee the financial management of the school
- To plan for the resource needs of the school
- To provide membership on the panel which recommends the appointment of the Principal
- Disseminate information about the school and about Catholic Education
- To act as a consultative body for the Principal when required.
The Advisory Council is comprised of the Principal and the Parish Priest as ex-officio members, a P & F Representative, a Parish representative, and elected community representatives. The Advisory Council is guided by the Risk and Audit, Grounds and Maintenance subcommittees. Each subcommittee is made up of the Principal and delegated members.